Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Black Pirates!?

There's been a lot of talk of the Somali pirates lately all throughout the news. I don't know about you but I was rather confused when I first heard of all this. I mean, I didnt even think pirates still existed in the first place.. better yet Black ones!... but hey its 2009, if we can have a Black president, why not have black pirates, leprechauns, and fairies (no underlying meaning, I promise). Although we've been seeing the one side of the whole thing on tv, I've been told that there is a whole other story behind it all on the part of the Somalian people.. I cant get into that cuz I haven't educated myself on it just yet.. I plan to though.. BUT one thing I do know is that when they took that American ship last week, that was a very bad move. Patriotic Americans just dont tolerate that sort of thing as we all know.. they dont take kindly... US patriots will not hesitate to take out a few terrorists/bad guys/illegal immigrants if something of theirs is on the line. Like I said, I dont know too much about the whole situation besides the fact that the pirates messed up by taking an American ship.. "Africans wanna take our ships... we put people like you through 400 years of slavery damn it!!!!" I bet someone somewhere said that to himself..... Yeah I said it!

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