Tuesday, January 19, 2010


The past week has been an emotional one as the earthquake in Haiti has taken the lives of tens of thousands of my people. As a proud Haitian-American, the feeling of helplessness that I experienced while watching CNN's very real coverage on the disaster was overwhelming. I'm very thankful that all my family in Haiti is ok and accounted for for the most part but it's still tough because many friends of my parents have died in the quake. As heartbreaking as it has been, seeing the way the world has reacted to the tragedy was beyond incredible. So many people have been willing to do so much for the victims and to see people react like this on such a large scale for a country like Haiti surprises me. Given the history of the United States, France, and other powers of the world simply not giving a damn about Haiti ever since they became the first Black nation to become independent from slavery. I commend the people of the world. They have given me hope. They have showed me that maybe, in a world that seems so evil at times, there is still plenty of love and compassion amongst humanity. That is all.

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